About the Kalama Fair

Choo Choo Train

The Kalama Fair is a member of the Washington State Fair Association and continues to grow every year. The fair was originally incorporated in 1965 as a means to recognize the agriculture and other achievements of the rural families in our area.

Today, thanks to generous contributions of time and money by the community, this tradition continues.

The Fair Board is always seeking new and interested members of our community to become involved. If you would like to become a part of this enriching experience, please contact any board member for meeting times and dates.

Our Mission Statement:

The mission of the Kalama Fair shall be to promote and develop the interest of the youth of the Kalama community, while improving agriculture, livestock, business, industry, and the home life of the people in the Kalama community area.

To this end, industry accomplishments, volunteer service and community spirit come together as a showcase of achievements. The conducting of fairs, exhibitions, entertainment and other education activities contribute to a community spirit and awareness of good fellowship, good sportsmanship and good citizenship.

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